It Sure Feels Like the Apocalypse


Large events cancelled.

Movie theaters closed.

You can only get takeout or delivery at restaurants.

Schools closed.

Borders closing.

It may not be the end of the world, but it sure feels like it.

If you’ve read my book, you know I have more than a passing interest in the end of civilization. I couldn’t have imagined the toilet paper/hand soap/cleaning wipes thing. It’s still hard to believe.

I also think if people don’t keep themselves occupied it’s easy to work yourself up into a frenzy. Dire warnings from Italy telling you to take this seriously.

I have to remind myself that control seems to be returning in Wuhan. Macau was able to lock everything down quick. I believe we will weather this, despite how scary things are right now.

Enough of that. You get plenty of that on the news and probably in your social media feeds. Use common sense.

The first draft of the second book is 95% complete. I’m sorry I didn’t get it out in time for this period of recommended self-quarantine, but I’m still surprised that I got that much done. It took me several years to write the first one. Though I had to stop for a while because I was dragged back into my old industry. The way it’s going, the second book will be about as long as the first book, yet it took a fraction of the time to do it. That said, it’s probably still going to be months to get it to a state where I will be able to send it into the world. In the back of my mind I’m already thinking about where it’s lacking and some ideas I have to improve the draft.

It’s a little tough working from home, but the work is progressing. It was nice being able to go outside where I can have “office hours” at my local Starbucks or Coffee Bean. Walking was a nice side effect as well. Oh well, give it some time. I’ll try not to get distracted here at home.

In other news, I’ve finally finished the main story of Ni no Kuni 2. It really is a good game. I’m still playing it to get all the higglies, finish all the research, and max out my citizens. That’s when I found the free adventure pack DLC. So now, I’m doing the new quest chain. Also, I’m doing the new research to make it easier to farm mats from the Faraway Dreamers Door so I can make dem higglies. Maybe in a week I’ll be moving on to the next PS4 title on my list. Still thinking about what that’s going to be.

For Xmas, I got a new Kindle reader. It came with three months of Kindle Unlimited so I’ve been casting about looking for stuff to read. The best thing I found was the Yarnsworld series by Benedict Patrick. It’s a fun mix of fantasy and folktales. I’m reading the fourth one now which is kind of a continuation of the first book. The second and third are standalone, though the people in all four books all have a special “knack” for doing something. This can range from sword fighting to washing laundry. Anyway, if you’ve read my book and need something else, give Yarnsworld a try!

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